El cantante / actriz recientemente posó para la revista masculina ARENAHOMME +, y una parte de las revistas ilustradas se dieron a conocer el 23 de febrero.
Son Dambi muestra todos sus recursos letales para esta sesión de fotos con su mirada carismática y cuerpo perfecto.
"Para esta sesión de fotos en particular, el Hijo Dambi muestra algunas de sus posiciones de yoga y estiramientos favoritos después del entrenamiento", continuaron. "Su abdominales definidos y su cuerpo tonificado dejó a losmiembros del personal masculino en el set sin palabras."
El resto de las fotos de sesión de fotos de Son Dambi 'ARENAHOMME +' se puede encontrar enla edición de marzo, y el cantante tiene planes para hacer su regreso a la escena del K-pop una vez "luces y las sombras 'llega a su fin.
Source & Image: MoneyToday StarNews via Nate
Son Dambi displays her Yoga poses for ‘ARENAHOMME+’
Athletic attire could not hide the glamorous figure of singer Son Dambi.
The singer/actor recently posed for men’s magazine ARENAHOMME+, and a portion of the pictorials were unveiled on February 23rd.
Son Dambi displayed all of her lethal appeals for this photo shoot with her charismatic gaze and flawless body.
Son Dambi’s representatives remarked, “Son Dambi has been busy playing the role of top singer Yoo Chae Young on MBC‘s ‘Light & Shadows‘, but has managed to make the time to continue working out to maintain her figure.”
“For this particular photo shoot, Son Dambi displayed some of her favorite yoga positions and post-workout stretches,” they continued. “Her defined abs and her toned body left the male staff members on set speechless.”
The rest of the photos from Son Dambi’s ‘ARENAHOMME+’ photo shoot can be found in the March issue, and the singer has plans to make her return to the K-pop scene once ‘Light & Shadows’ comes to an end.
Source & Image: MoneyToday StarNews via Nate
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