En el episodio 21 de febrero de KBS 2TV "Win Win", el padre de JunHyung comentó: "Pensé mucho acerca de esta cuestión. JunHyung trajo una vez Goo Hara casa, y pensé que era una chica agradable y luminoso. Es agradable ver lo lindos que están juntos. "
En lo que respecta a las relaciones públicas de su hijo le comentó: "Me sorprendió bastante al principio. Una vez que la noticia salió, todo era a través de Internet. Yo estaba un poco preocupado. "
JunHyung que se convirtió en un poco de vergüenza, bromeó, "yo nunca debería habersido capturado", haciendo que los otros invitados en el plató a rugir de risa.
Los miembros que B2ST invitados destacados de una edición especial de "Win Win" con honestidad se refirió a los momentos difíciles que tuvieron que soportar para llegar a ser el grupo que hoy en día.
Fuente e imagen: TVReport a través de nate
Yong Junhyung’s father approves of KARA’s Goo Hara
B2ST member Junhyung‘s father was asked which girl group member he would approve of as his daughter-in-law, and he selected KARA‘s Goo Hara, who happens to be Junhyung’s current girlfriend.
On the February 21st episode of KBS 2TV‘s ‘Win Win‘, Junhyung’s father remarked, “I thought a lot about this question. Junhyung once brought Goo Hara home, and I thought that she was a nice and bright girl. It’s nice to see how cute they are together.”
In regards to his son’s public relationship he remarked, “I was pretty surprised in the beginning. Once the news got out, it was all over the internet. I was a little bit concerned.”
Junhyung who became a bit embarrassed joked, “I should never have been caught,” causing the other guests on set to roar in laughter.
The B2ST members who guest-featured for a special edition of ‘Win Win’ honestly talked about the difficult times they had to endure in order to become the group they are today.
Source & Image: TVReport via Nate
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