lunes, 20 de febrero de 2012

Jiyool Dal Shabet aparece en Cortometraje “Her Story”

Dal Shabet’s Jiyool Appears in Short Film “Her Story”
Jiyool Dal Shabet estaba echada para una película corta y acaba de terminar el rodaje. El cortometraje que aparece en es“Her Story” , que está siendo dirigida por Yoon Tae Shik. El director Yoon Tae Shik recibió el premio Grand Prix en el Festival de Cine Internacional de Seúl, por su película "Doenjang".

Su personaje era "Han Na." Han Na tomó fotos Polaroid de los lugares memorables donde pasó con su novio. El papel del novio fue retratada por el novato actor Park Sang Hyuk.Jiyool carácter de "Han Nah" extraña a su novio, que ha dejado de Hawai. En el cortometraje, que incluso tenía una escena de beso.

La película se estrenará en el Festival Internacional de Cine de Jeonju, el Festival Internacional de Cortometrajes de Busan, y el Festival Internacional de Cortometrajes de Seúl.


Dal Shabet’s Jiyool Appears in Short Film “Her Story”

Dal Shabet’s Jiyool was cast for a short film and just wrapped up filming. The short film that she appears in is “Her Story” which is being directed by Yoon Tae Shik. The director Yoon Tae Shik received the Grand Prix award during the Seoul International Film Festival for his film “Doenjang.”

Her character was “Han Na.” Han Na took Polaroid pictures of memorable places where she spent with her boyfriend. The boyfriend’s role was portrayed by rookie actor Park Sang Hyuk. Jiyool’s character “Han Nah” misses her boyfriend who has left for Hawaii. In the short film, she even had a kiss scene.
The film will be released in the Jeonju International Film Festival, the Busan International Short Film Festival, and the Seoul International Short Film Festival.

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