"Cuando 'Maestro Kang desde el vestuario" era popular, yo estaba tan feliz por ganar mucha popularidad, pero después de la esquina terminó, yo sufría de depresión después de ver todos los comentarios negativos por parte de los internautas, seguidos por síntomas de un nódulo de las cuerdas vocales y hiriendo a mi rabadilla ", reveló.
Y continuó: "Empecé a sentir esperanza e incluso ha tenido pensamientos acerca de si realmente me hacen reír a la gente en el Gag Concert’. Además de eso, empecé a beber alcohol casi todos los días y lloré mis ojos como yo lo hice. Incluso me dije a mí mismo, 'En lugar devivir así, prefiero morir.' "
Usted puede comprobar fuera de su historia, que saldrá al aire los días 27 y 28 a las 23:00 KST enjTBC de 'Park Kyung Lim Oh Happy Day'.
Fuente e imagen: TVDaily a través de Nate
Ahn Young Mi reveals that she was depressed after ‘Gag Concert’
On the upcoming episode of jTBC‘s ‘Park Kyung Lim’s Oh Happy Day‘, comedian Ahn Young Mimade a shocking confession. She spoke of distress she suffered after Gag Concert‘s ‘Teacher Kang from the Dressing Room‘, which rose her to fame, came to an end.
“When ‘Teacher Kang from the Dressing Room’ was popular, I was so happy for gaining much popularity, but after the corner ended, I suffered from depression after seeing all the negative comments by netizens, followed by symptoms of a vocal cord nodule and injuring to my tailbone,” she revealed.
She continued, “I began to feel hopeless and even had thoughts on whether I really did make people laugh on Gag Concert. On top of that, I began to drink alcohol almost everyday and cried my eyes out as I did. I even thought to myself, ‘Instead of living like this, I’d rather die.’”
You can check out her full story which is scheduled to air on the 27th and 28th at 11pm KST on jTBC’s ‘Park Kyung Lim’s Oh Happy Day’.
Source & Image: TVDaily via Nate
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