La foto fue publicada en un consejo de la comunidad en línea y la persona que subió la foto dijo que era una foto de ellos en el aeropuerto de camino a su destino luna de miel, Isla de Koh Samui en Tailandia. A pesar de que parece ser sólo una foto normal de ellos en el aeropuerto, los internautas no tardaron en darse cuenta de que el estómago de su esposa parecía más bien hinchado. Los internautas llegó a la conclusión que, o bien debe haber concebido antes del matrimonio (matrimonio forzado) o su esposa está simplemente usando un traje ajustado.
Algunos internautas comentaron de acuerdo en que ella está embarazada, diciendo: "Parece que Go Soo se ha unido a la lista de estrellas que han concebido antes del matrimonio", "Ella parece serde unos 5 meses de embarazo", y "Al ver que ella está usando holgazanes, que debe estar embarazada ".
Por otro lado, los internautas de otros expresaron su opinión diciendo que es demasiado pronto para emitir un juicio. "Su traje de arriba es sólo hacer su mirada del estómago grande, eso es todo", y "Si no hay ninguna foto de su perfil lateral, no debe haber ningún juicio".
Un representante de Bosnia y Herzegovina Entretenimiento negó los rumores diciendo: "Ella definitivamente no embarazada. Parece que los internautas le han confundido a estar embarazada, debido a la ropa de invierno que llevaba apretados. "
¿Crees que ella está embarazada o es sólo la ropa el ángulo de la foto?
Fuente e imagen: deportes de Seúl a través de Nate
Is Go Soo’s wife pregnant?
Actor Go Soo married his non-celebrity wife, Kim Hye Yeon who is 11 years his junior on the 17th. A recent photo of the newly married couple at the airport has sparked some interest online.
The photo was posted on an online community board and the person who uploaded the photo stated that it was a picture of them at the airport on their way to their honeymoon destination, Koh Samui Island in Thailand. Though it seems to be just a regular photo of them at the airport, netizens were quick to notice that his wife’s stomach seemed rather bloated. Netizens concluded that either they must have conceived before marriage (shotgun marriage) or his wife is just simply wearing a tight outfit.
Some netizens commented agreeing that she is pregnant by saying, “Looks like Go Soo has joined the list of stars that have conceived before marriage“, “She seems to be about 5 months pregnant“, and “Seeing that she’s wearing loafers, she must be pregnant.”
On the other hand, other netizens voiced their opinion saying that it’s too quick to pass judgement. “Her top outfit is just making her stomach look big, that’s all“, and “If there aren’t any photos of her side profile, there shouldn’t be any judgement.”
A representative of BH Entertainment denied the rumors stating, “She is definitely not pregnant. It seems as though netizens have mistaken her to be pregnant because of the tight winter clothes she was wearing.”
Do you think she’s pregnant or is it just the clothing and angle of the picture?
Source & Image: Sports Seoul via Nate
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