El 22 de febrero, el cantante twitteó: "Mi pueblo, la cirugía terminó bien. Debido a la anestesia,que estaba dormida durante todo el día de ayer, así que no fue capaz de dejar un mensaje. Voy a tratar de recuperarse rápidamente de modo que usted será capaz de oír mi voz buena. Gracias por preocuparte por mí. "
Aunque Gyuri hubiera sabido de los nódulos y los pólipos forma de antemano, que mantuvo a raya a la cirugía con el fin de participar plenamente en el musical, '200 belleza Libras ',así como realizar en los primeros espectáculosde la "serie de conciertos KARASIA'.
Los aficionados, comentó: "Es un alivio que todo salió bien", "Espero que se recupere rápidamente".
En noticias relacionadas, Kara se irá a Japón en abril para continuar con su "KARASIA 'gira por Asia.
Fuente: GyuriTwitter
KARA’s Gyuri assures fans she’s OK after vocal cord surgery
Fans have been worrying about KARA‘s Gyuri after they heard she’d be undergoing surgery to remove the nodule and polyps found in her vocal cords. It seems they can breathe a sigh of relief, as Gyuri left an encouraging message on Twitter to assure fans that she was alright.
On February 22nd, the singer tweeted, “My people, the surgery ended well. Due to the the anesthesia, I was asleep all day yesterday, so I wasn’t able to leave a message. I’ll try to recover quickly so that you’ll be able to hear my good voice. Thank you for worrying about me.”
Although Gyuri had known about the nodules and polyps way beforehand, she held off on her surgery in order to participate fully in the musical, ’200 Pounds Beauty’, as well as perform in the first few shows of the ‘KARASIA’ concert series.
Fans commented, “It’s such a relief that it went well,” “Hope you recover quickly.”
In related news, KARA will be leaving for Japan in April to continue with their ‘KARASIA’ Asia tour.
Source: Gyuri’s Twitter
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