Antes de que todos los rayar la cabeza y me pregunto qué se trata todo esto, es importante entender que una de las normas tradicionales de la belleza femenina en Corea está teniendo un frente proporcional, hermosa.
El puesto cuenta con varias estrellas decomparación, como las actrices Han Ga In y KimTae Hee, medallista de oro olímpico Kim Yu Na, así como los ídolos Sohee de las Wonder Girls y Sandara de 2NE1. Cada estrella cuenta con la frente perfectamente redondeados y hermoso que son la envidia de los numerosos fans.
Los internautas respondieron al mensaje escribiendo: "Creo que si tienes una frente muy, usted tiene una cara bonita también", "Todo el mundo realmente tiene una frente muylind " y "Todos ellos son tan bonita que no sé cuál es el mejor! "
Fuente e imagen: Starnews a través deDaum
Which female star has the prettiest forehead?
Which female star possesses the prettiest forehead?
On March 3rd, an online community board post titled “Collection of female stars with pretty foreheads” has captured the attention of numerous netizens.
Before you all scratch your heads and wonder what this is all about, it is important to understand that one of the traditional standards of female beauty in Korea is having a proportional, beautiful forehead.
The post features various stars for comparison such as actresses Han Ga In and Kim Tae Hee, Olympic gold medalist Kim Yu Na, as well as idols Sohee of the Wonder Girls and Sandara of 2NE1. Each star boasts perfectly rounded and beautiful foreheads which are the envy of numerous fans.
Netizens responded to the post by writing, “I guess if you have a pretty forehead, you have a pretty face as well“, “Everyone really has a pretty forehead” and “They are all so pretty I don’t know which one is the best!”
Source & Image: StarNews via Daum
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