El 3 de marzo, la actriz infantil Twitter los siguientes comentarios, junto con dos fotos, "Yeon Woo ha aparecido en The Big Show! Fangirl Yeon Woocon los guapos oppas Big Bang ".
En la foto, Kim Yoo Jung se ve viste de manera cómoda y haciendo la V-plantean al mismo tiempo estar rodeado de los miembros de Big Bang.
Los internautas, comentó: "Estoy tan celosa!", "Yeon Woo cumple Big Bang", y "Yeon WooFangirl? Qué lindo ".
Mientras tanto, Kim Yoo Jung ha recibido elogios por su papel como la niña Yeon Woo por la actriz Han Ga In en el drama de la MBC, Moon That Embraces the Sun‘.
Source: Kim Yoo Jung’s Official Twitter
Actress Kim Yoo Jung attends Big Bang’s concert
Actress Kim Yoo Jung has recently uploaded photos of her at Big Bang‘s ‘2012 BIG SHOW‘ concert in Seoul.
On March 3rd, the child actress tweeted the following comments, along with two photos, “Yeon Woo has appeared at Big Show! Fangirl Yeon Woo with the handsome Big Bang oppas“.
In the photo, Kim Yoo Jung is seen dressed comfortably and doing the V-pose while being surrounded by the Big Bang members.
Netizens commented, “I’m so jealous!“, “Yeon Woo meets Big Bang“, and “Fangirl Yeon Woo? How cute“.
Meanwhile, Kim Yoo Jung has been receiving praise for her role as the child Yeon Woo by actress Han Ga In in the MBC drama, ‘Moon That Embraces the Sun‘.
Source: Kim Yoo Jung’s Official Twitter
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